About our Aftermarket Services Customer Portal

Welcome to the Lummus Technology Aftermarket Services Customer Portal, a site that is dedicated to technical support for Lummus Technology licensees and customers. Users must be registered to access this portal. If you work for a Lummus Technology licensee or customer and would like to register for an account on this portal, please click on the link on the Aftermarket Services Customer Portal Login Page to submit a registration request (See “ Click Here to register for an account”). User access rights are assigned based upon the facility where the user works, the technology that the user’s facility licenses from Lummus (i.e. ethylene, olefins conversion, ethylbenzene, etc.) and the contract status of the user’s company with Lummus Technology’s Aftermarket Services (AMS) Groups. General registered users can access our safety bulletins and published papers related to their licensed technology. Users at facilities that maintain a contract with our Aftermarket Services Groups for continuing technical service can also access a number of other features, such as:

  • Operational troubleshooting guides,
  • Best operating practices,
  • Training tutorials,
  • Selected licensee survey results,
  • Technical service request tracking for their facility

The user can interact with the AMS Customer Portal through their personalized portal page that appears after the user logs into the portal. Via the personalized portal page, the user may view technical service documents (i.e. Best Practices, etc.) or the technical service tickets and associated correspondence and data files for their facility. Users can also submit technical service requests directly to our Aftermarket Services Groups using the Technical Service Request feature.